

Excel to manage the impact of volatile market variable through agile management process

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Modern-day business variables are complex, dynamic, and highly dependent on many external factors. Companies need to shift from the traditional planning processes to scenario-base plans which need to be flexible to be adjusted as they quickly become outdated.

Recent event impacting markets raised business awareness to actions and resources recognize as key to harness your business:

  • Focus on Data Analytics and digital tools widely implemented to support business
  • Enhanced collaboration cross company to support processes
  • Agile Planning and Forecast became key processes to support decision
  • Agile cash flow and other financial models to effective support management
  • Build a close relationship between strategic and operational planning

Did you know that although 83% of the companies recognize value in Forecast processes, only 7% is happy with their current position

Adjust your FP&A processes to XP&A and use drivers to impact the produced insights while using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to support and extend your data.

In this eBook you will find insights how Companies need to adjust facing several disruptive challenges impacting the markets and economy, enabling data and insights towards efficiency.

As leader in consulting services with excellence competences in Digital Transformation and Data Strategy, BI4ALL is the key partner to drive these changes with you and enabling improvements towards management agility and business success.

Let’s turn data into insights together for you to gain competitive advantage!

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